Since June 2020, Corneloup has joined the famous “Made in France” certification label: La French Fab
Corneloup joined the famous French Fab certification label in June. We want to promote French expertise and know-how abroad. By joining this label, we are committing ourselves to placing at the heart of our concerns the following principles: innovation, the modernisation of our means of production, the adaptation of work organisation to new practices and training in new skills. We also want to focus on protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. We will ensure that we develop our import and export capacities on world markets.

We decided to join French Fab, launched on 2 October by Bruno Le Maire, in order to promote our know- how and expertise abroad. By joining this certification label, Corneloup is committed to placing innovation, the modernisation of our means of production, the adaptation of work organisation to new practices and training in new skills at the heart of its actions. In addition, we are paying close attention to the ecological and environmental performance of both our production methods and our products, and we will ensure that we develop our import and export capacities on world markets.
We want to enhance the quality of our equipment and the attractiveness of our business, in particular through our know-how, our expertise and our impeccable, high-quality techniques.
French Fab is the sign of a collective rallying cry! It’s the flag-bearer for French industry.